DeskNearMe APP
To let people find available desk in coffeshop/co-working space around him to work in certain time.
Preferred License
Why this app is needed
Freelancers, open source lovers and startup folks regularly need to find a desk outside their home for using their computer in a calm and productive environment. But it is not always easy to find those places. Individually, users have hard time to build their own list of places which fit their computer-related (or not) activities, but as a group, it can be pretty fast to gather and use a collection of those places. We need an app to help those users to share and retreive the location and commodity information of their favorite working places.
- As an example, the app could display the following information:
- Where those places are.
- For each place:
- does it provide wireless?
- does it provide power?
- what is the close time?
- what is the price per hour?
- what is the minimum price (food, drink, or other) to stay the full day?
- what is the duration limit for users to stay, if any?
User Stories
Software Freelancer
- usually works from afternoon to mid-night (probably pm1:00 to am4:00)
- probably go to co-working space or coffee shop
- 1 day a week.
- 2days-3days a week.
- 7 days a week.
- want
- find nearest desk to work via website or an app.
- because
- they want to social with other people in the break time
- they feel longly when they work along.
- cares about
- wreless speed
- power
- price
Selected Tech for prototype (target for hackaton)
- backend : ethercal
- frontend :
Selected Tech post-prototype
- backend : To be defined, a server could provide additional control and logic compared to raw data.
- frontend :
Behavior Design
Contribute Desk Information
Any people can add a place with
- place name
- open hours
- pricing
- equipment
- offer foods
- offer drinks
Find A Desk
As a software freelancer, I launch the app on my phone, the app display nearest desk around him in
- a map?
- a list in card style? (hychen prefered this one by default, since map loading is slow, user)
- or both of the above
Edit My Preference
As a software freelancer, I prefer the space has good light, fast wireless speed, comfortable table and chair. of course, the space should provides some drinks, simple food I could order.
so I
Feature Spec
- click ’Preference Button
- the preference page
- is excepted to show up
- and has a form with